Policy WG meeting: ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027 – a look ahead

Policy WG meeting: ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027 – a look ahead

The European Research Area (ERA) aims to increase collaboration between the national research systems and ensure better policy coordination between the Member States at the EU level. With the development process of the ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027 underway, new ERA Policy Agenda actions have already been identified through the ERA Forum. At the same time, proposing a European Research Area Act was mentioned in the Mission letter to Ekaterina Zaharieva, Commissioner-designate for Startups, Research and Innovation. The new Act should have the free movement of researchers, scientific knowledge and technology at its core to reduce fragmentation of the ERA and unlock more of the Single Market potential.

This Policy WG meeting will offer an outline of the current discussions regarding the future of ERA, the upcoming new Policy Agenda and its actions. We will also discuss the next steps and opportunities from a regional ecosystem perspective, linking to the earlier Policy WG meeting on ERA Policy Agenda going forward from September 2023. Anna Seip, Policy Officer at the ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers Unit, DG RTD, European Commission will take the floor during the event. Members are encouraged to share their questions, reflections and expectations.

ERRIN members may find the agenda attached.

Thank you for attending this Policy WG meeting. ERRIN members may find the presentations from the session on this page.