Why join?

With around 120 members, our network plays a key role in connecting and representing regional and local actors across Europe on issues related to research and innovation. We always welcome new members who wish to join our network and take full advantage of the various networking, project, and partnership opportunities that we offer. 

Our work is guided by four missions: 

  • Bringing a place-based perspective to European research and innovation policy and programmes
  • Making connections and facilitating EU engagement
  • Increasing project opportunities for members
  • Positioning regional interests in the EU research and innovation landscape

To read more about ERRIN, please see our "who we are" page.

People sitting in a conference room listening to a woman speaking
Benefits of becoming a member

Benefits of becoming a member

ERRIN is your support hub for daily work in Brussels and back home for European-level engagement. Here, you define your level of involvement according to your organisation’s capacity, needs and goals. The more you engage, the more opportunities await to strengthen your innovation ecosystem from different angles in the European policy and funding landscape.

Project development

Take advantage of our project facilitation - matchmaking sessions, mappings, coffee meetings - and Project Development Tool to identify relevant funding opportunities, share project ideas, network and find project partners.

Working Groups and Task Forces

Participate in the wide range of activities - meetings, events, consultations - organised by our 15 Working Groups and Task Forces to connect, gain knowledge, exchange regional examples and showcase your views.

R&I policy

Stay up to date on the latest EU R&I policy developments from a regional perspective and contribute to our bottom-up policy work to shape policy and programmes, as we foster opportunities for regional and ecosystem actors.

Mutual learning and support

Exchange regional practices and perspectives, and benefit from mutual support with regard to regional challenges and points of interest with other members of the community.

Network building and collaboration

Build a network of contacts for your organisation in Brussels and across Europe. Use ERRIN for establishing and kick-starting collaboration in projects, events and other initiatives with regional members and their stakeholders.

Showcasing regional activities

Present your work on your member profile, highlight your perspectives in Working Group & Task Force activities, and upload content to the ERRIN website so that information about your events and opportunities reaches a community across Europe.

Who can join?

ERRIN welcomes all place-based non-profit organisations, which play a role in the regional innovation ecosystem by having a mandate in regional development and by being involved in the development and/or implementation of research and innovation policies in the country/region.

This includes but is not limited to; Brussels-based representative offices of regional administrations, local administrations, universities and educational institutions, and research centres.



Give us a call or send us an email to start the discussion on how your organisation can get the most out of an ERRIN membership. Then we will also provide you with more information on the benefits and commitments of becoming a member.

To complete your application, any organisation wishing to join ERRIN should complete a membership form. The form has to be signed and returned to the ERRIN secretariat by post or email.

The membership form can be downloaded here

For more information, please write to info@errin.eu.


Two people discussing in front of a computer