ERRIN services

With around 120 members across Europe, informal, bottom-up character and distinctive focus, ERRIN membership grants unparalleled opportunities for regions and their stakeholders for network building, mutual learning, support, collaboration and project development, alongside a regional perspective on R&I policy and funding. All these can be accessed through ERRIN services.

ERRIN internal exchange on the next European Framework Programme for R&I on 22 February 2024

  • ERRIN user accounts are personal and logging in allows direct access to member-only sections of the website, network services and tools outlined below.
  • Everyone at your Brussels office as well as your stakeholders can have an individual user account on the ERRIN website, depending on your office policy. There is no limit to the number of accounts that can be created under one membership, nor any additional fee.
  • Your stakeholders can request user accounts via this link – your main contact person can approve or reject any requests directly in their account dashboard.
  • If your stakeholders don't have individual user accounts, you can still sign them up for all ERRIN meetings and activities from another user account.

Each member has an organisational profile on the ERRIN website. You may use this form to fill it in from scratch - the information will then be reviewed and published by the ERRIN Secretariat in due course. To make updates, please contact, ERRIN's Communications and Policy Manager.

  • Activate ERRIN daily email updates in your user account settings to follow the Working Groups, Task Forces, projects and thematic tags of your interest, and receive daily/weekly emails with the latest related news, events and opportunities.
  • Sign up for the bi-weekly ERRIN newsletter with a summary of the network’s recent and upcoming activities and opportunities (possible also for stakeholders without ERRIN user accounts).

  • Join Working Groups and Task Forces of your interest by following them in your user account settings and activating daily updates to receive latest information about their activities.
  • Register and attend Working Group and Task Force meetings to learn about EU initiatives and opportunities and what they mean for regions, network, and showcase your organisation's practices  – have a look at the ERRIN calendar after logging in.
  • Contribute to other Working Group and Task Force activities (e.g. mappings, surveys) announced on the ERRIN Noticeboard to showcase your organisation's perspectives.
  • Offer your feedback and let us know about your priorities and topics of interest in the Annual Member Survey, organised each year in October as a basis for shaping ERRIN’s agenda for the coming year.
  • Colleagues in Brussels can apply to lead a Working Group or Task Force – open positions are advertised on the ERRIN Noticeboard.


Each Working Group and Task Force has a separate page on the ERRIN website which includes its general description, members leading its work (WG and TF leaders), member of the ERRIN Secretariat supporting its activities, annual work plan and priorities, as well as lists of related meetings and other content. You may find the annual plans of all the Working Groups and Task Forces also on this page.

  • Take part in project development activities organised by the Working Groups and Task Forces, as advertised in the ERRIN calendar.
  • Search and find relevant funding opportunities and consortium partners by using the ERRIN Project Development Tool.
  • Benefit from engagement opportunities offered by projects where ERRIN is a partner – advertised on the ERRIN Noticeboard.


Each project where ERRIN is a partner has a separate page on the ERRIN website which includes its general description, aims, ERRIN’s role, involved members of ERRIN Secretariat, benefits and links with ERRIN’s work, as well as latest updates and opportunities.

  • Gain insights and discuss EU policy developments in our Working Group and Task Force meetings with European institutions' representatives, announced in the ERRIN calendar.
  • Contribute to ERRIN's policy work by offering inputs to consultations responses and position papers, as advertised on the ERRIN Noticeboard.
  • If you are based in Brussels, R&I policy is one of your core work areas, and you would like to be more engaged in ERRIN's policy work, please reach out to, ERRIN's Director, and, ERRIN's Policy and Engagement Manager, to request to join the group of closer followers of the Policy Working Group (open to 1-2 representatives per member). Please note that the Policy WG is an exception - no other ERRIN Working Group or Task Force has a closer followers group.

Take part in ERRIN events outside the Working Group and Task Force meetings, especially ERRIN Intro Coffees dedicated to new colleagues at our members’ offices, ERRIN Spring and Autumn General Meetings, and evening receptions.

Useful resources and ways to increase engagement

Whether you would like to raise awareness about ERRIN among your regional stakeholders, involve your new office colleagues, increase your own engagement in the network or spread the word about membership to your partners in regions that are not yet part of the community, there are practical resources and steps which can help you do that.

ERRIN Intro Coffee

We encourage you to present ERRIN and ways of engagement to your regional stakeholders with the help of the resources below, to raise their awareness and involvement:


  • Ask your colleagues to request individual user accounts on the ERRIN website via this link.
  • Twice a year, in spring and autumn, we organise an ERRIN Intro Coffee to introduce ERRIN to new colleagues, while offering a chance to connect and network in an informal setting. The event is announced in the ERRIN calendar.

Colleagues based in Brussels can apply for the role of a Management Board member or a Working Group or Task Force leader. Read more about the Management Board and its tasks here and the Working Groups and Task Forces here.

If you collaborate with any regions or organisations with a regional mandate in the area of R&I that are currently not part of the ERRIN network but you think could benefit from joining, feel free to send them the ERRIN leaflet for prospective members. Don't hesitate also to share with them the “Become a member” page and put them in touch with, ERRIN's Policy and Engagement Manager.

  • Each member has an organisational profile on the ERRIN website. You may use this form to fill it in from scratch. To make updates, please contact, ERRIN's Communications and Policy Manager.
  • Upload your events that are related to R&I, held in English and free of charge to the ERRIN calendar.
  • Express your interest in building proposals for specific EU funding opportunities in the ERRIN Project Development Tool.
  • Advertise opportunities to collaborate with your region, requests to share good practices, calls for speakers, open competitions etc. on the ERRIN Noticeboard.

ERRIN member key dates

Below you can find some recurring key moments throughout the year, related to your ERRIN membership. These are always communicated via the ERRIN website, daily updates and/or emails.


  • Publication of ERRIN Year in Review with highlights of ERRIN activities from the previous year
  • Publication of Working Group and Task Force annual plans for the coming year
  • Sending out of membership fee invoices


  • ERRIN Intro Coffee


  • ERRIN Spring Annual General Meeting


  • ERRIN Annual Member Survey
  • Call for nominations for new ERRIN Management Board members open for two weeks, followed by election process
  • ERRIN Intro Coffee


  • ERRIN Annual Strategy Workshops for Working Group and Task Force leaders


  • ERRIN Autumn General Meeting
ERRIN Spring Annual General Meeting 2022

Membership types and fees

Full members (organisations with a permanent representation in Brussels)

As a full member, you have access to all ERRIN services. Your Brussels-based representatives can also be elected to the Management Board and take on the roles of Working Group or Task Force leaders.

Annual membership fee: 3665 EUR (2024)

Associate members (organisations without a permanent representation in Brussels)

As an associate member, you have the same rights and access to all ERRIN services as full members, except your representatives cannot be elected to the Management Board nor take on the roles of Working Group or Task Force leaders.

Annual membership fee: 3090 EUR (2024)

The annual membership fee is subject to a yearly indexation corresponding to the Belgian annual inflation rate (Articles of Association, art. 7.3). The new amount is fixed by the Management Board and communicated during the ERRIN Autumn General Meeting preceding the year of application. For further information, please contact, ERRIN's Finance and Operations Manager.

Membership timeline, invoicing and cancellation

ERRIN membership runs for a calendar year. For the first year of the membership, we will invoice you pro-rata according to your starting month. In consecutive years, you will receive the invoice with the annual fee depending on the type of your membership by February, with a payment deadline of 30 days. If you have any questions regarding the invoicing or require a particular procedure, please contact, ERRIN's Finance and Operations Manager.  

The membership continues from year to year unless the member gives written notice of their intention to withdraw from the network. The notice needs to be given to the Secretariat at least three months before the end of the fiscal year, i.e. before the end of September. The cancellation of the membership will come into force at the end of the fiscal year in which the written notice was made.

Statutory documents

Questions? Suggestions?

In case of any questions or suggestions regarding ERRIN membership, have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions or reach out to, ERRIN's Policy and Engagement Manager. We are always happy to hear from you.