Interregional Partnership on Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism

Presentation of the Interregional Partnership on Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism

The interregional Partnership on Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism is dedicated to exploring and advancing innovations in digital technologies for cultural heritage and cultural tourism, promising numerous benefits for a diverse array of stakeholders. In response to the growing emphasis on digitisation within the EU and its member states, particularly within the realms of cultural heritage and tourism, funding policies have increasingly pivoted towards innovation-driven initiatives, propelling the rise of virtual and smart cultural tourism. Digital tools are now instrumental in destination management and promotion, facilitating immersive travel experiences through virtual worlds, thus revitalising ancient cities and historical eras. This digital transition not only fosters business development and innovation diffusion but also supports sustainable heritage preservation and enhances social well-being.

The partnership is interested in the collaboration with European Regions, and we are particularly keen on engaging with you in this endeavour. We are also eager to learn about projects within your regions. Following the presentation on S3 VSCT, we will dedicate time to showcase a couple of other regional examples. Therefore, we invite you to present your regional projects in a brief pitch presentation (5 minutes, three slides).

Kindly confirm your attendance and whether you would like to present your regional project by the 2nd of June by sending an email to