Green chemistry, advanced materials and recycling of plastics – Good practices from the Four Motors for Europe

‘Rendez-Vous Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in Bruxelles’: Green chemistry, advanced materials and recycling of plastics: good practices from the Four Motors for Europe

In the framework of the economic mission of the Four Motors in Flanders on the theme of 'Green chemistry, advanced and bio-based materials and plastics recycling', Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region are pleased to invite you to a round table that will highlight the good practices of the Four Motors on this theme and that will be contextualised by Emmanuelle Maire (Head of Unit B.1 Circular economy, sustainable production and consumption, DG ENVI) from the European Commission.

This round table is part of the new European vision on the circular economy. On 20 March 2022, the European Commission presented its new action plan on the circular economy. This legislative package consists of several initiatives that aim to make "sustainable products the norm in the EU, stimulate circular business models and empower consumers for the green transition". A first part of the package on eco-design of sustainable products was already published earlier this year. A second circular economy package is expected to be published by the end of November by the European Commission and will consist of, among other things, a policy framework for bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics as well as a revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive to strengthen the essential requirements for packaging and to establish measures and targets for the prevention of packaging waste at EU level.

The round table will be followed by a networking cocktail reception which will give the opportunity to get to know the Four Motors delegations of companies and clusters participating in the mission on 23-24 November.

• From 11:00 : Welcome coffee – arrival of the delegations
• 11:30 – 12:30pm : Round table : Green chemistry, advanced materials and recycling of plastics: What are the good practices from the Four Motors for Europe?
o Technical introduction by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
o Intervention by Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit B.1 Circular economy, sustainable production and consumption, DG ENVI - European Commission
o Presentation by an economic actor from each Region on how it is tackling circular economy issues

  • Mr Sergio RIVA, President of the CLUSTER LGCA - Lombardy Green Chemistry Association
  • Mrs Roxane GIRARD - European affairs and Interclustering projects manager - POLYMERIS Cluster – Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Mrs Mireia ANDREU, Innovation Manager - The Packaging Cluster – Catalonia
  • Mrs Ines BISINGER - Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg
  • Mrs Stacy JONES, Technical Appraisal Manager - Welsh Government Office

o Conclusion of the round-table
• 12:30 - 2pm: Networking cocktail with European networks on circular economic issues, regional delegations, enterprises, and clusters coming from our Regions and involved in the mission.

Please register to the event here

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