Interreg MED +Resilient project

+Resilient | political final event

We are pleased to invite you to the political final event of the Interreg MED project '+RESILIENT - Mediterranean Open REsouRcEs for Social Innovation of SociaLly ResponsIve ENTerprises', which will be held in Brussels, on the premises of the European Parliament, on 20th April 2022, from 10:00 to 13:00 CEST.

+RESILIENT puts together a 4-helix partnership of 7 MED countries to tackle the need for innovation conducive to increased socially-responsive competitiveness of SMEs & stimulate new jobs, especially for companies operating in the social economy.

In the final part of the project, partners have delivered a number of policy briefs and a White Paper that summarises the policy relevance of our joint work and represents the various facets of social innovation, a cross-cutting theme that affects many policy sectors at different levels.

Starting from the evidence of the White Paper, the event will open the dialogue with experts and policymakers, in order to embed the project’s results within a higher policy framework, to explore and deepen the EU strategic guidelines on the topics covered by the partnership and to identify what kind of tools EU policies can provide to further develop and make our innovations sustainable in times of transitions and Next Generation EU.

The draft agenda is in attachment. Registration is open and mandatory to enter the premises of the European Parliament. Register here

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.


The security and health checks will take at least 30 minutes, so organize your arrival in time for the start (9:00 at the latest). All participants:

1.      Must enter the European Parliament (Esplanade, Place du Luxembourg side) with:

  1. Identification Document (the same as in the registration form)
  2. Surgical mask or FFP2 mask
  3. EU COVID Green Pass or negative test.

2.      Will have to go through the security check (like at the airport) and organizers will escort 2 groups to the meeting room and – at the end of the event- out of the parliament.

3.      Will be given an entrance sticker that will allow you to enter and circulate inside the Parliament, it must be kept and shown at all times.