Roundtable: “Driving Skills Transformation in a Changing Industry. How can the Mobility sector bridge Employment and Sustainable Transition?"

The French Automotive & Mobility Network (FAMN) is organising an online roundtable focusing on the transformation of skills in the rapidly changing mobility sector. 

This roundtable will offer active participation from cluster representatives who will provide valuable insights into the regional-level strategies for skill transformation, as well as the participation of European officials and stakeholders, providing a broader European outlook.

This insightful roundtable will be held in the framework of the European Year of Skills 2023, an initiative launched by the European Commission to address skills gaps in the European Union and boost the European skills strategy. 

Please register here


14:00 - 14:05: Introduction

14:05 - 15:00: PANEL 1 - Discussion between clusters & regional players: efforts made and remaining gaps (operational part)

Moderator : Jean-Baptiste HAHN, CARA

Véronique ROTTIER, ID4Mobility
Aude-Marie DUBOIS, NextMove
Région Grand-Est: the role of a regional authority [to be confirmed]
Anna SPECHTENHAUSER, EU Office of Stuttgart Region and Automotive Skills Alliance

15:00 - 15:05 : Coffee break

15:05 - 16:00 : PANEL 2 - How to fill the gaps: perspectives from EU-level stakeholders (institutional part)

Moderator : Mathieu SARAIVA, FAMN - Réseau français de l'automobile et de la mobilité

Caroline COHEN, PFA - Plateforme automobile
Jakub STOLFA, Automotive Skills Alliance
ADECCO Group [to be confirmed]


The French Automotive & Mobility Network (FAMN) is the European representative entity of the 4 French automotive & mobility clusters (NextMove, CARA, ID4Mobility, Pôle Véhicule du Future) and brings together over 1.500 members in total.