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Training workshop: Making innovation work for society

Innovation often occurs in isolation, with minimal public engagement. However, this is gradually changing. By placing the general public at the centre of the research and innovation process, we can better understand and address people's needs, values, and expectations, creating innovations that truly resonate with them.

What is the added value of this approach to innovation, where the public is engaged through actual open innovation or knowledge valorisation? What are the pitfalls if you don’t engage them? To answer these questions, the REINFORCING project will host a series of training workshops.

The first workshop in the series will take place online on 18 June between 14:30-16:30 CET. The workshop series will combine theory with practical examples, exploring the benefits of citizen engagement in innovation settings and opening up opportunities for participants to reflect on how this could apply to their own innovation processes.

For whom is the workshop?

This workshop will be relevant to researchers and innovators, professionals from business incubators, start-ups, SMEs, technology transfer units, funding agencies or public bodies related to innovation – anyone with experience in R&I processes who is curious about the role that societal engagement could play.

Learn more about the workshop here,