Waterline: Sparking ideas for collaborative projects

Waterline: Sparking ideas for collaborative projects

WATERLINE develops VR solutions to enable cross-university education in the water sector but would like to welcome representatives of any project or organisation that shares similar development goals. For instance, novel education and training tools and platforms, including VR and AR, international study programs, and multidisciplinary engineering, social science and arts R&D covering nexus issues with the water sector.

The idea of the event is to meet people with diverse backgrounds representing a variety of projects and organisations. WATERLINE would like to stimulate discussion and exchange to:

  1. increase the visibility and outreach of their projects,
  2. generate more impact of their projects’ developments,
  3. create ideas for potential cooperation among projects and
  4. new project initiatives

Based on the discussions and ideas generated during the event, they will map potential funding sources and collect feedback and advice from the Horizon Europe National Contact Point network.

To learn more and to register, click here.