ERRIN's work on FP10

The next EU Framework Programme for R&I - to be launched with the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2027 - has been identified as one of ERRIN's priority work streams in 2024. Building on the network's extensive policy work around Horizon Europe (including the ERRIN’s 2023 input to the largest public consultation on Horizon 2014-2027 to date), the topic has been directly followed by the Policy Working Group which is organising dedicated thematic meetings, as well as discussed in other Working Groups and Task Forces. We have been following developments at the EU level, organising events, interactive discussions and external exchanges (e.g. with the Chair of the Expert Group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe), gathering member insights and developing input papers.

On 23 May 2024, ERRIN submitted a two-page input on FP10 for the attention of the Expert Group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe.

On 9 July 2024, ERRIN, through its Bioeconomy Working Group, and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) jointly released a position paper on the pivotal role of regions and industry for a thriving bioeconomy, outlining a proposal for the most pressing actions for the European bioeconomy to be tackled during the upcoming European Commission mandate period, linking also to FP10.

The network is also developing an ERRIN paper series "Towards the 10th Framework Programme". Currently available papers:

In the pipeline for spring 2025:

  • Ecosystems
  • European Partnerships

The work on the paper series is bottom-up and ongoing within the ERRIN Policy Working Group. If you are an ERRIN member, are not part of the Policy WG yet, and would like to be involved in the drafting process, please drop a line to .

ERRIN's work on FP10

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