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  • By Greater Copenhagen EU Office

Erasmus+ exchange hosted by the Danish regional EU offices

On 8 November, the four Danish regional EU offices (South Denmark European Office, North Denmark EU Office, Central Denmark EU Office, Greater Copenhagen EU Office) are hosting an event highlighting products and good practices from Erasmus+ projects. It will take place at Avenue Palmerston 18 from 09:00-17:00.

  • By Anonymous

Den Kreative Skole, Denmark is looking to develop an Erasmus+ cooperation partnership for the future for Schools for music and performing arts

Den Kreative Skole, Denmark would like to develop an Erasmus+ project within the sector of music and performing arts schools.

  • By Dorin Minea

A Romanian chess club is looking for partners to create consortium for future projects

A Romanian chess club is looking for partners to create consortium for future projects. The sports club Gambit Huși was established in May 2016 by five young people from the municipality of Huși. They aim to apply in the future to programs such as Erasmus+, CERV, PPPA, Interreg Europe,  EEA Grants, and more.

  • By Urszula Sokolowska

The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre is looking for partners for the Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnerships project

The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (Pomorskie Region) is looking for partners for the Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnerships call with the aim to exchange experiences on the topic of organisation of sustainable cultural outdoor events.

  • By Ingvild Jacobsen

Call for Action: Youth Freedom of Expression

Youth Freedom of Expression is a project concept where organisations working for youth participation join forces in identifying and mitigating barriers to youth freedom of expression in Europe. The partnership will build capacity and promote action for enabling greater freedom of expression among European youth at organisational and individual levels though finding and testing innovative practices and joint initiatives, and through forming a joint forum for the promotion of youth freedom of expression in Europe.

  • By Greater Copenhagen EU Office

Halsnæs Municipality (Denmark) looking for partners for an Erasmus+ small-scale partnership

Halsnæs Municipality in Denmark is looking for 1-2 partners (preferably municipalities/primary schools) for a small-scale partnership in Erasmus+ to support sustainable mobility by increasing primary school students’ use of bicycles and the quality of road safety classes.