Regione Basilicata

Southern Italy region: 535,830 inhabitants. Borders: Puglia, Campania, Calabria. Two provinces: Potenza and Matera, 131 municipalities, mostly mountainous and sparsely populated. Rich of natural resources. Still largely devoid of important communication routes. Key figures: 53,653 active companies, (33.7%) agriculture; (6.7%) manufacturing; (11.4%) building , Services, (48%) . These are mainly SMEs. Workforce: 39,29 % of regional population.

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S3 Strategy

RIS 2021-27, 5 Areas: Energy, cultural and creative industries, aerospace-earth observation, bioeconomy, automotive 24 development trajectors:

-Energy efficiency

-RES & circular economy

-Accumulation: management and control technologies and systems

-Smart networks & microgrids, energy communities

- Infrastructure & sustainable mobility

-Eco-compatible use of non-renewable energy sources and protection of territory

-Hydrogen technologies

-Emerging technologies and innovative models for the restoration, protection and conservation of tangible and intangible heritage

- Emerging technologies for content creation & creative production

-Innovative tools and models of the CCI to support other production sectors

- Social and cultural innovation for the territories

- Development of EO technologies for the GREEN transition and land security

- Strengthening the EO value chain in synergy with similar sectors

- Strengthening of TLC infrastructures, enabling technologies and industrial development services

- Strengthening of applied research infrastructures

- Management of water resources in the agro-industrial chain

- Genomic research for sustainable, precision and integrated agriculture

- Nutrition, well-being and non-technological innovation

- Green chemistry

- Hybrid and electric vehicles, related components and life cycle management

- Advanced Manufacturing & management

- New materials and related processes

- Consolidation and strengthening of the Basilicata automotive innovation ecosystem

-Promotion of sustainable mobility

Latest Updates

  • By Gianpiero Petruzziello

'Beyond Cultural Tourism: Beautiful, Circular, Human' - Be.CULTOUR Final Conference

The Be.CULTOUR project, in which ERRIN is a partner, is hosting its final conference in Naples on 5-6 June. During the conference, the Be.CULTOUR Community will share the insights and results achieved during more than three years of intensive work to define and implement a European circular cultural tourism model, engaging stakeholders’ innovation networks in 6 pilot heritage sites in less-known and remote areas and 16 mirror innovation ecosystems.

  • By Gianpiero Petruzziello

Be.CULTOUR project: 19 innovations on Circular Cultural Tourism

In the context of the Be.CULTOUR project, 19 teams of innovators will join the Be.CULTOUR Hackathon, to develop their innovative ideas on circular cultural tourism into innovative desirable, and feasible projects. Visit the project website and vote for your favourite one!