
A unique public-private partnership, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology collaborates with the Berlin State Senate and over 200 companies dedicated to promoting their city.  Berlin Partner’s mission is business and technology support for companies, investors and scientific institutions in Berlin.  With customized services and an excellent science and research network, our experts help companies launch, innovate, expand and secure their economic future in Berlin and across the EU. Berlin Partner is also responsible for marketing the German capital to the world, for example with the successful “be Berlin” campaign.

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  • By Ewa Chomicz

Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2023 published

On 6 July, the Commission released the newest bi-annual Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS). The RIS allows for a closer examination of the innovation performance within European regions and the new edition is to be taken as a reference for consortium eligibility in the current Regional Innovation Valleys call for proposals under Horizon Europe. The 2023 edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) was also published.

  • By Robin Bruck

Urgent partner search for DUT 2022 Call (15 minute city). German NGO looking for existing consortium or for partners to submit own proposal short notice

Berlin-based non-profit organization with strong expertise in the (re-)design of urban spaces is looking for a consortium to submit a proposal under the 15-minute-city call ("(Re)imagine urban public spaces and streets for vibrant, sustainable neighbourhoods") under the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership in Horizon Europe.

  • By Gaia Ialisa Marotta

What is the future of Europe’s sustainable mobility strategy? Well, maybe ask our youth!

On 11 October, the ERRIN transport WG co-organised with POLIS network, Stavanger, Berlin, Turku and Ile de France regions, a panel as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities. The event discussed how young people’s voices can be elevated in the future of sustainable urban mobility and how our future transport systems can cater to their needs.

  • By Robin Bruck

Green Transition proposal for LC-GD-7-1-2020: "Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services" is looking for Letters of Support

H2020 Green Deal consortium for LC-GD-7-1-2020: "Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services" is looking for organizations that would like to support the project via Letter of Support. The project GREEN TRANSITION demonstrates the synergies of ecosystem services restoration, agroecology and renewable energy generation all together creating socio-economic perspectives for European regions in structural transition

  • By Hilary Webb

Berlin scientists investigate which cells are affected by new coronavirus

A group of scientists at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), in collaboration with other regional universities, charities and hospitals, have been investigating what cells the new coronavirus directly impacts. 

  • By Wolfgang Treinen

European Week of Advanced Technologies for Railway Applications (#EWATRA)

The European Week of Advanced Technologies for Railway Applications (#EWATRA) offers the opportunity to establish valuable contacts and learn about new aspects of international cooperation, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises along the entire value chain of the railway industry. This year, the week is taking place from 6-14 September.