East and North Finland EU Office

The East and North Finland EU office represents regions of Central Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, Lapland, North Karelia, Northern Ostrobothnia, Pohjois-Savo and South Savo in Brussels. In close collaboration with the regional councils, the Brussels office aims to improve the competitiveness and conditions of the businesses throughout the East and North of Finland. The Brussels office closely follows the developments in EU policies, focusing especially on regional policy, research, development and innovation policies, transport and energy policies, arctic policy and industrial policies.

Contact detail

  • Contact person

    Eerikki Vainio

  • Brussels Office Address

    Avenue Palmerston 24
    1000 Brussels

East and North Finland EU Office

S3 Strategy

The East and North Finland (ENF) in industrial transition – smart specialisation strategy 2019–2023 is based on the pilot project ”Regions in Industrial Transition” launched by the European Commission in 2017. Our common priorities have been collected from the smart specialisation strategies of the ENF regions. The identified common topics are bioeconomy and new products, sustainable mining, chemical industry, sustainable tourism and appeal, and manufacturing industry. Based on these topics, common S3 priorities have been established for the ENF area: Clean technologies and low-carbon solutions, Industrial circular economy and Digitalisation, innovative technologies and production processes. Our fourth priority is the development of joint cluster working the ENF area.

Latest Updates

  • By Hilary Webb

EU Forest Strategy post-2020 in the context of post-EU Green Deal future-fit Europe

East and North Finland EU Office, the ERIAFF Network, the European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) and Junta de Castilla y Léon present a webinar on the future EU Forest Strategy.

  • By Hilary Webb

EWRC session: Circular economy in the Artic industries: Solutions for a green Europe

This session at the European Week of Regions and Cities will showcase initiatives from regions in or close to the Artic already on the move towards a climate-neutrarl economy. Four different projects and approaches will be presented as examples to demonstrate how future EU policy could contribute to using the potential of the circular economy in industries.