East Netherlands Development Agency (OOST NV)

Oost NL is the regional development agency of the East Netherlands region. In the East Netherlands, we are working together on innovative solutions for a healthy and sustainable future for all. The plans are summarised in the East Netherlands Innovation Agenda. We are working on this from the Think East Netherlands platform. Knowledge institutions, Economic Boards, provinces Gelderland and Overijssel, regions, cluster organisations and (umbrella) organisations are investing in innovations in the fields of safe and sustainable food, healthcare, digitalisation, clean energy and circular economy.

Contact detail

  • Contact person

    Karolien de Bruine

  • Regional Address

    Laan van Malkenschoten 40
    7333 NP Apeldoorn

East Netherlands Development Agency (OOST NV)

S3 Strategy

The RIS3 has been developed within the framework of the new ERDF period 2021-2027 and constitutes an important basis for the new Operational Programme ERDF, our economic policies and the review & update of our programme 'The Strength of East (‘Kracht van Oost’). This strategy has been drawn up after extensive consultations with many stakeholders: businesses, knowledge institutes, authorities, etc. As we consider it important that the RS3 remains a dynamic document, we will regularly update this strategy together with our stakeholders. The East Netherlands is a region with innovation in its DNA. It is among the top forty most innovative regions in Europe with a strong economy. The provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel are investing heavily in tackling social issues, and are combining knowledge and expertise thereto because innovation contributes to prosperity and well-being. It is for good reason that East Netherlands is one of the top regions of wide prosperity.

Strategic R&I Projects


Regions for Green Textiles – known as RegioGreenTex –is a quadruple-helix partnership initiative aiming at mapping and reducing the difficulties, which currently exist in the implementation of a circular economy model within the textile ecosystem in EU.


The ‘small projects fund’ INDUSTR_I4.0 accelerates the digital transition within the (manufacturing) industry in the Dutch-German border region.

AI Redgio 5.0

Regions and (E)DIHs alliance for AI-at-the-Edge adoption by European Industry 5.0 Manufacturing SMEs.


Boosting digital transformation of healthcare across regions.


Latest Updates

  • By Lucy Hammond

40 Regions begin their Pathways2Resilience Journey

40 Regions and Communities, including 14 from ERRIN Member regions, have begun their 18-month journey with the Pathways2Resilience Project, in which ERRIN is a partner. The regions will undertake a programme to produce a climate resilience strategy, action plan and an accompanying investment plan to move towards transformative climate adaptation.

  • By Ingrid Meijer

Winterschool 2024: Navigating the future of regional development

The regional development agency of the East Netherlands region is co-organising this year’s EURADA Winterschool, in close collaboration with the OECD. This winterschool takes place from 26-29 February 2024. The theme of this 3-day event is the future of regional development and how RDA’s can drive the green and digital transition.

  • By Loes Rutten

Cyber crime & cyber resilience: Awareness and target hardening in relation to money muling crimes

On 8 April, UASNL and Saxion University of Applied Sciences are organising an online lunch meeting on cybersecurity and money muling, as part of the All Digital Weeks. Participants will have a chance to learn how researchers cooperate with municipalities and regional security stakeholders to increase cyber resilience among citizens and entrepreneurs.