Normandy Region is ERDF managing authority and supports actively its research & innovation ecosystem. Specific thematic focus are hydrogen, marine renewable energies, low-carbon industry and mobility, circular economy. Normandy Region is represented in ERRIN via its Brussels office.
rue Montoyer 10
1000 Brussels
Normandy has 6 areas of specialisation (in addition to one transversal ‘digital’ area):
1) Food industry – ‘Preserving and sustainably transforming agricultural, marine, forestry and production systems’
2) Energy ‘Develop an energy mix towards zero carbon emissions’
3) Industry ‘Transforming processes for a high-performance, sustainable and digital industry’
4) Mobility & logistics ‘develop low-carbon mobility solutions that are efficient and secure’
5) Health ‘Accelerating synergies and innovation in the service of human and animal 5P medicine’
6) Risk management ‘make Normandy a resilient territory by mastering technological, natural, health and social risks’
The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four leading EU regions and eight ‘twin’ regions.
WEBSITE>The ECIV project is expected to generate up to 35 collaborative innovation projects and up to 30 experimentation projects in up to 10 industrial sectors. It aims to mobilising and connecting nine regional European circular economy innovation ecosystems.
The WINNINGNormandy Fellowship Programme will foster the research excellence and innovation activities, and increase the international attractivity and influence of the Normandy Region in France by recruiting 30 two-year postdoctoral fellowships.