Region Skåne

Region Skåne’s Brussels office is an integrated part of the department for regional development, unit EU and International relations, at Region Skåne. We represent the interests of Skåne, the southernmost region in Sweden, in relation to EU policy and programmes in particular in the areas of health and health care, research and innovation, industry, digitalisation and environment. Region Skåne is responsible for and coordinates all public and private health care in Skåne and also has a responsibility for the development of business, mobility (including public transport), culture and cooperation with other regions in Sweden, Europe and beyond. Region Skåne's highest decision-making body is the Regional Council, which is elected directly by the inhabitants of Skåne. There are four universities in Skåne (Lund University, Malmö University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Kristianstad University). Lund University is currently the second strongest participating organisation in Horizon 2020 in Sweden. Skåne is also hosting two new world-class research infrastructures in materials sciences – the European Spallation Source and the MAX IV Laboratory.

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Region Skåne

S3 Strategy

Skåne’s innovation strategy for sustainable growth is the region’s Smart Specialisation Strategy. The current version was adopted in 2019 by the Research and Innovation Council of Skåne, an informal advisory body made up of representatives at decision-making level from regional and municipal authorities, universities and the private sector in Skåne. The strategy designates six priority areas that the region should mobilise around: 1) Advanced materials and manufacturing industry, 2) ESS, MAX IV and the innovation system Science Village, 3) Food, 4) Life science and health, 5) Smart sustainable cities and 6) Tech (ICT). The strategy also describes how the region should strive to achieve impact through collaboration in the development of 1) regional leadership, 2) attractive innovation ecosystems, 3) strong innovation support systems and 4) analysis and communication. Finally, the strategy also includes priorities for strategic financing, where EU funding plays an important part.

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Welcome to a GREAT end conference!

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