South Moravian Region

The South Moravian Region is situated in the southeast of the Czech Republic, bordering on Austria and Slovakia. Its area of 7,188 km2 covers approximately 9 % of the Czech Republic's territory. The region is further divided into seven districts (Blansko, Brno-City, Brno-Country, Břeclav, Hodonín, Vyškov and Znojmo) and consists of 673 municipalities in total.

South Moravia is the innovation hub of the Czech Republic. This innovative journey began more than 20 years ago in 2002 when the JIC (South Moravian Innovation Centre) was established. The South Moravian Region has great economic potential. The number of businesses in computer technology, telecommunications, software development and other hi-tech fields is rising steadily, particularly in recent years. The South Moravian Region offers significant support to the development of technology and biotechnology incubators designed for new companies. It is a home to a number of research and innovation centers. The largest ones being: CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology); CzechGlobe (Global Change Research Centre); FNUSA-ICRC (International Clinical Research Center); JIC (South Moravian Innovation Centre) and JINAG (South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation). The Region also hosts a large number of technologically oriented universities – the Masaryk University, the Mendel University in Brno and the Brno University of Technology in particular, fostering new generations of scientists and innovators.

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South Moravian Region

S3 Strategy

The Smart Specialization Strategy effectively targets funds (European, national, regional and private) towards activities that strengthen innovation capacity and towards the priority-marked areas of those specializations striving to increase the competitiveness of the Czech Republic. In the Czech context, the output from fulfilling these preliminary conditions has been the Regional Innovation Strategies, the regional dimensions of which are provided in the 14 regional appendices, focused on the specifics of forming a regional innovation strategy for the regions in question. One aspect of these regional appendices is to detail with greater precision the national priorities in relation to science and research, and the innovation potential of that particular region. The Regional Innovation Strategy of the South Moravian Region 2021-2027 (RIS SMR) is a fundamental strategic document of the South Moravian Region and the statutory city of Brno for implementing policy to support competitiveness, founded in particular on innovation and maximizing the economic benefits of public investment into research and education. The RIS SMR was established to create the conditions for competitive, knowledge-intensive business, through investment in raising standards in education and research, improving the image of the SMR and through direct support of entrepreneurial activities.

Strategic R&I Projects


The aim of STARGATE (reSilienT fARminG Adaptive microclimaTe managEment) is to create and implement a framework that will improve the resilience of farming to variable climatic conditions and extreme weather events and it will also help policymakers in landscape planning and long-term adaptation to climate change.


The aim is to improve innovation policies for ameliorating the critical mass development of innovation ecosystems in the water technology sector that could create the conditions for raising competitiveness, growth and jobs in the regions.

PlusChange (Horizon EU)

A new project called PLUS Change: Planning land use strategies to meet climate, biological and social goals in a changing world. Funded by Horizon Europe, the project will start on June 1st, 2023, and run for 4 years. It involves 23 partners from across the EU, UK and Switzerland, including research institutes, universities, SMEs, planning authorities and regional development agencies.

BeReady (Interreg Danube)

Climate change is a threat to the whole world. It is essential to actively prepare for the impacts of these changes. That is why we are involved in the BeReady project (UrBan hEat islands REsilience, prepAreDness and mitigation strategY), which addresses climate change with regards to ecosystem approaches in the countries around the Danube, including the Czech Republic.

GreenGov Project (Interreg Europe)

Climate commitment is an increasingly frequent topic in public administration. Environmental protection is beginning to emerge as one of the main conditions of EU-funded projects. However, navigating European legislation can sometimes be difficult and overwhelming for smaller local authorities. In early April 2024, the GreenGov project was launched to help regions understand the EU taxonomy and thus improve project funding in places that are floundering on sustainability.

Network of energy managers in the South Moravian Region (LIFE)

South Moravian Region is the only Czech region building a network of energy managers through the international LIFE project, whose main mission is to transform the energy situation in the South Moravian Region. Our goal is to achieve a significant increase in energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the introduction of energy management in municipalities and in-depth reconstruction of public buildings. This is not only an ecological but also an economic step in the right direction.

Climate Action Plan of the South Moravian Region (LIFE)

Life in the Czech Republic is changing as a result of climate change – and in the South Moravian Region more than elsewhere. The South Moravian Region has therefore decided to actively face this challenge and has been developing a Climate Action Plan for the period 2025 to 2050 since December 2023. JINAG has therefore been entrusted by the Council of the South Moravian Region with the preparation of this plan.


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Projects from EDUC-SHARE in South Moravia

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  • By Lucy Hammond

Two ERRIN members win European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) 2024

Congratulations to ERRIN members, South Moravia and the City of Brno (Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU) and Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia on winning the European Entrepreneurial Region 2024 award!