Call for Expression of Interest - 'Clusters meet Regions' workshops

Call for Expression of Interest - 'Clusters meet Regions' workshops

Following successful events in Malaga in February and Vilnius in April, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) will be coordinating a further 13 European ‘Clusters meet Regions’ workshops in the second half of 2022 and throughout 2023. 

The ECCP launched a new Call of Expression of Interest to select the national/regional authorities and clusters organisations to run each of the workshops. The new deadline for making an application is 2 December 2022, at 18:00 CEST

The 'Clusters meet Regions’ events serve for national and regional clusters and policymakers to come together to share experiences, secure new partnerships and learn from one another how to make better use of clusters. Each workshop must be designed to be beneficial for cluster managers and policy makers, with the ultimate objective of ensuring that clusters are central to the process of putting the European Union’s regional economic, business and social goals into action. 

This call for applications is addressed to any clusters stakeholder who is either actively participating in, or interested in, the economic development of their region. It is open to institutions such as clusters, regional agencies for economic development, and business network groups. Please note, a letter of support from your regional authority is needed if you want to apply. Proposals from national and/or regional authorities are also welcomed.

Find more details, the full text of the Call for EoI and information on how to apply here.