Shaping Europe's digital future

Commission launches new digital strategy: A Europe Fit for the Digital Age

The European Commission has announced the strategy for Europe Fit for the Digital Age. The implementation of this strategy is vital to the green transition, as digital interventions will open up more possibilities. Data and AI, in particular, have the potential to reach these goals. 

Three actions, so far, have been announced as part of the strategy. They are:

  • Shaping Europe's digital future - ensuring technology serves the people and adds value to their lives.
  • Excellence and trust in AI - by empowering them to start, scale-up, innovate and compete fairly. Read more about this here.
  • European Data Strategy - promoting social and environmental sustainability, by making emission-heavy processes more efficient through digital technologies. The data strategy can be read here

Policy areas within the strategy include data protection, better access to online goods, designing the right environment for digital networks, ensuring that citizens and businesses can take advantage of opportunities caused by digitalisation and defining Europe as a role model and leader for a society empowered by data. 

As for the next steps, the Commission will establish a regulatory framework regarding data governance and launch sectoral specific actions, to build European data spaces in for instance industrial manufacturing, the green deal, mobility or health.

The commission has also launched two consultations. The White Paper on Artificial Intelligence is open for consultation until 19th May 2020, which can be found here. Feedback on the data strategy is being collected here.  

To read more about the new digital strategy, click here.