Commission manifesto to ensure accessiblity of EU-funded coronavirus research results

Commission manifesto to ensure accessiblity of EU-funded coronavirus research results

The European Commission has launched a manifesto in an attempt to ensure that all EU-funded coronavirus research results are accessible to all. Public and private stakeholders benefiting from EU funding, other research funders and prominent individuals and institutions are invited to voluntarily endorse the manifesto.

By endorsing the manifesto stakeholders will commit to:

  • Making generated results public and accessible without delay, via the Horizon Results Platform, for example, or through another patent pool
  • Making scientific papers and research data avaiable in open access without delay following the FAIR principles and using the European COVID-19 Data Platform
  • Granting, for a limited time, non-exclusive royalty free licenses on the intellectual property produced from EU-funded research. 

The measures will highlight researchers commitment to the prevention, treatment and containment of the COVID-19 pandmeic. 

To endorse the manifesto or to see who already has, click here