ERRIN involved in the preparation of the draft opinion on EC’s communication “Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth”

  On 21 February 2018 the Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC) of the Committee of the Regions will discuss the opinion drafted by Mikel Irujo Amezaga, Head of the Navarra Government Delegation in Brussels and ERRIN Management Board member. The opinion, prepared in response to the European Commission’s communication on “Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth” (COM(2017) 376 – final) sets out a number of policy recommendations aimed to influence the debate on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). The document stresses the importance of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) as catalysts for innovation policy and growth. The Smart Specialisation 2.0 should have a strong element on interregional strategic collaboration between regional innovation ecosystems. The opinion also advocates for simplification of the funding landscape and promote synergies between the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and other funds available at European, national and regional levels. ERRIN has been closely involved in the preparation of the draft opinion. Pirita Lindholm, Director of ERRIN, has been working as an expert on the report supported by the ERRIN Smart Specialisation Working Group.  The draft report is available on the CoR website.