HERA incubator

EU bio-defence preparedness programme proposed in response to virus variants

The European Commission has proposed a launch for a European bio-defence preparedness programme, the 'HERA Incubator', to address the growing threat of coronavirus variants. 

The plans include significant research investments, mobilising an additional €30 million from Horizon 2020, which will be complemented by €120 million from Horizon Europe. 

The programme will provide the means to detect and react to future coronavirus mutations, building on the work of the VACCELERATE network and the European COVID-19 Data Platform. 

The aim of HERA (European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority) and the HERA Incubator, is to ensure the:

  • Rapid detection of variants
  • Swift adaptation of vaccines
  • Setting up of a European Clinical Trials Network
  • Fast-tracking of regulatory approval of updated vaccines
  • Upscalking of production, related to detection and response to virus variants but also to inform vaccine strategies.

Read more about the news here