
Farm to Fork Strategy

The Farm to Fork Strategy presented today by the Commission aims for healthy and sustainable EU food system. The main priorities focus on tackling the climate change, preserving the biodiversity, protecting the environment, and enhancing access to healthy organic food.

The strategy envisages some major changes in the food production processes, biodiversity protection and approach to health by building a food chain that works for consumers, producers, climate and the environment. Until 2030, the strategy aims to achieve:

- reduction of pesticides use by 50%,

- reduction of fertilizer use by at least 20%,

- 25% of total farmland under organic farming,

- Halving per capita food waste at retail and consumer levels.

The Commission will also propose mandatory harmonised front-of‑pack nutrition labelling and develop a sustainable food labelling framework.

Research and innovation will have a significant role in the transition process towards a sustainable food system as it should help develop and test solutions, overcome barriers and uncover new market opportunities. EUR 10 billion under Horizon Europe to be invested in R&I related to food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and environment.

The strategy and the new Biodiversity Strategy complement each other and both go in line with the European Green Deal.

The communication from the Commission about the strategy can be found here.