
Have your say on the European Capitals of Culture!

The European Commission is undertaking the first interim evaluation of the European Capitals of Culture action 2020-2033.

The evaluation seeks to identify the action's impact in the last ten years. Understanding the full potential of the legacy of hosting a European Capital of Culture provides lessons for cities interested in developing their culture's strategies and can help reflect on new ways to improve the scheme.

The first European Capital of Culture took place in Athens in 1985, and since then, over 60 cities across Europe have been awarded the title. In its current form (covering the ECoC titles 2020 to 2033), it has been designed to promote the diversity of cultures in Europe and increase European citizens’ sense of belonging to a common cultural area. It also contributes to the regeneration of cities and their overall cultural, social, and economic development. 

The results of this consultation will be used together with other data to inform the ongoing first interim evaluation of the European Capital of Culture action 2020-2033. These will feed into a European Commission report submitted to the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Committee of the Regions.

The evaluation will also help the European Commission with their reflexions on the future of the European Capital of Culture action after 2033.

Find more information about the European Capitals of Culture action here and reply to the consultations here.