Intelligent cities

Intelligent Cities Challenge

Following the success of the Digital Cities Challenge (DCC), the European Commission has launched the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC). The initiative promotes technological transformation while fostering sustainable growth as Europe becomes a green continent. The programme will last for two and a half years and will help 100 cities across the EU use advanced technologies by providing in-person, online and community support.

The ICC aims to help 100 small and medium-sized EU cities to support green, climate-neutral and sustainable growth, tackle urban challenges and improve quality of life. 

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the deadline for applications has been extended to 29th May 2020, with the application pre-screening running until 18th May. 

To be eligible, applicant cities must:

  • Be from an EU member state 
  • Be a local public government entity
  • Represent a city with more than 50,000 inhabitants.

To learn more about the eligibility criteria and to apply, click here