Knowledge centre to fight cancer launches

Launch of Knowledge Centre on Cancer

The European Commission has launched the Knowledge Centre on Cancer, the first action delivered under Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. The knowledge centre is a new online platform to gather evidence and coordinate actions on cancer. As well as mapping the latest evidence it will also provide healthcare guidelines, quality insurance schemes, share best practices and monitor and project trends in cancer incidence and mortality across the EU. 

The Knowledge Centre on Cancer is expected to support the Beating Cancer Plan and the Horizon Europe Mission on Cancer, two of the EU's major actions and investments in cancer research and innovation. The centre will support these initiatives by identifying, aligning, planning and coordinating scientific and technical actions in order to improve cancer prevention, screening, treatment and care. 

Learn more about the Knowledge Centre here and visit it here

ERRIN's Health Working Group is continuously following developments around Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and the Mission on Cancer, learn more about its related input and events so far on this dedicated page