Peer learning on technology transfer companies support - Results from the Horizon 2020 Spin-off Growth project

Spin-off Growth is a project funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and aimed to improve and enhance the innovation support actions, activities and services addressed to Universities and Research Centers (U&RC) Spin-off. During the last 12 months and through the use of Twinning Advance Methodology, the partners, namely Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo (Portugal), Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France), and Instituto Aragonés de Fomento (Spain), have identified and shared best practices based on its experience in entrepreneurship and business development within the knowledge and technology transfer framework. The result has been documented in a Design Option Paper (DOP), which tries to identify and document implementation options, guidelines and implementation alternatives that partners have experienced and would recommend to other innovation support service agencies. The consortium expect that the lessons learnt for analysing good practices, can be used for others business supporters actors in order to foster technology transfer and commercialisation through improvement regional innovation ecosystem which increase spin-off companies. The Design Option Paper (DOP) is available here.