Survey on Research & Innovation Gaps in Circular Economy

Survey on Research & Innovation Gaps in Circular Economy

ERRIN invites its members to take part in this large-scale survey on Research and Innovations Gaps in circular economy, which is part of Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) of the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation)

The survey is a first milestone to deepen the understanding of the R&I gaps for successful circular economy implementation at local and regional scale, and to map the R&I stakeholders’ expertise in Europe in the field of circular economy research for future CCRI knowledge exchange.

ERRIN invites local and regional policymakers, and researchers from academia and industry to comment on the survey, in particular on circular product design and circular value chains in the fields of electronics and ICT, batteries and vehicles, packaging, plastics, textiles, construction and building, food, water and nutrients, and any others.

You are warmly invited to also share your knowledge on non-technological gaps in the field of circular economy on the cross-cutting topics such as governance and stakeholder engagement, financing, monitoring, business models and consumption patterns, digitalisation, education and skills, standardisation.

By participating in this survey, you have the opportunity to express your interest:

  • to provide recommendations for the future priorities of Horizon Europe on R&I topics enhancing circular economy implementation on local and regional scale;
  • deepen the findings of the CCRI R&I Report (R&I gaps, barriers and drivers) for Circular Economy Implementation at local and regional scale;
  • be invited for future CCRI multi-stakeholder dialogues.

Please share your inputs here by 14 April 2023. For any technical or content-related questions, please contact: