European Partnerships

Ten new European Partnerships proposed to fast-forward green and digital transitions

The European Commission has proposed to establish ten new European Partnerships between the European Union, Member States and/or the industry with the aim of speeding up the twin transitions. Almost €10 billion of funding will be provided to support these actions, which will facilitate the move towards  green, climate-neutral and digital Europe, while ensuring the resilience and competitiveness of European industry.

The contribution should mobilise additional investments, creating long-term positive impacts on employment, the environment and society.

The ten partnerships, that build on existing joint-undertakings, are:

  • Global Health EDCTP3
  • Innovative Health Initative
  • Key Digital Technologies
  • Circular bio-based Europe
  • Clean Hydrogen
  • Clean Aviation
  • Europe's Rail
  • Single European Sky ATM Research 3
  • Smart Networks and Services
  • Meterology.

Read more about the partnerships here