Ma Region sud

Region Sud launches a comprehensive plan in support to culture, agriculture and enterprises

The cultural and the tourism sectors were the first to bear the consequences of the extraordinary measures taken by governments across Europe. Since the start of the pandemic, artists, musicians, event and festival organisers, museum managers amongst others have been deeply impacted by the obligation of staying at home and respecting the social distancing requirements. Progressively, the slowing down of the economy has touched other crucial sectors, from the construction to agriculture. 

Taking into account the scale of the economic and social repercussions, Ma Region Sud launched a comprehensive emergency, solidarity and recovery plan to support its inhabitants through this crisis. 1,4 Billion Euros have been set aside and broken down to support different objectives: urgent measures directed to the healthcare sector as well as the local companies; a solidarity fund targeting the cultural and associative sectors, as well as sports and transportation; while 1,2 Million Euros have been earmarked as investments in the public sector, the tourism industry, and in support to the energy transition. 

More information (in French): here

Detailed emergency, solidarity and recovery plan (in French): here