Innovation and entrepreneurship in elementary school (DK)

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Proposal Information
The department of children and education in the municipality of Hjørring in Northern Denmark seeks European partners to a project that will help boost innovation and entrepreneurship among youngsters. We are looking for municipalities or schools interested in collaboration to raise the quality of education in elementary school. Our overall aim is to encourage pupils to engage in the society as active citizens, entrepreneurs and innovative employees.  Developing and promoting entrepreneurship education has been one of the key policy objectives for the EU and its Member States for many years. Innovation and entrepreneurship is a cross-cutting topic and there is a growing awareness of the potential for young people to launch and develop their own commercial or social ventures thereby becoming innovators in the areas in which they live and work. Development of entrepreneurial skills from young age helps to contribute to employability of young people in the long term. Within the educational system, teachers constitute the main role in developing an entrepreneurial attitude and skills at school age. There is a need for a broader share of experiences between schools in Europe. Accordingly, the course of the project is oriented towards varied and practice-oriented teaching methods where innovation and entrepreneurship can be integrated as part of the content such as vocational education or delivered in process-oriented teaching processes.
Duration of Project
Partners Involved