Interre Europe: Re-Greensity / Unused Linear Infrastructures to Connect European Cultural and Biodiversity

Call Information
Deadline of the Call
Proposal Information
Our proposal pursues the promotion of new regional development models for the protection and the enhancement of sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage. The proposal aims to exchange and transfer experiences/good practices from region with a high degree of conservation and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage to less intensive regions, in order to increase the capacities of EU regions to develop innovative management models to recovery and promotion of disused connection and abandoned industrial areas The project have in focus also the elaboration of regional strategies and action plans for the implementation of the new strategies to enhance the connection of of natural and cultural heritage, able to integrate different disciplines and public authorities through interregional cooperation projects. The project aim is to develop an innovative proposal for recovery of linear systems of disused connection: -          Abandoned or underutilized lines; -          Disused railway lines; -          Abandoned road links to the changed historical conditions (eg. mountain record linking); -          Disused road sections for the bypass variants and effect, road sections downgraded as a result of double effect of variants). The main outcome of the project  will be the valorization  of the great historic and cultural value of this patrimony, rescue it from the total disappearance, and recover this great potential to reuse it in eco-tourism, according to the new social demands purposes.
Project Budget
Project total eligible budget in a range from EUR 1 to 2 mill
Duration of Project
up to 30 months
Partners Involved
Lead Partner: University of Rome Sapienza/Unioncamere Lombardia/Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique/Region Of Lodzkie/Scientific Recearch Centre Bistra Ptuj /Consejo Municipal de Jaen/ The College of Industrial Engineers of Western Andalusia
European Commission Contribution
The ERDF/IPA co-financing rate for all partners and Lead Partners is 85%