NGO SustainableEnergy (DK) offers expertise as partner in Energy Efficiency projects

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Proposal Information
SustainableEnergy (SE) is a member based NGO working for 100% renewable energy in Denmark. Having more than 40 years of experience in working with bottom-up initiatives based on empowering and encouraging citizens and local stakeholders to take part in local transition projects, SE is one of the most experienced energy NGOs in Denmark. For the last five years, SE has had an annual budget of €4 m and a wide span of activities. The activities are primarily funded by private foundations and projects performed on behalf of the Danish Government (Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The organization has participated in several consortiums both applications for and in accepted EU-projects. What we do: SustainableEnergy (SE) advocate nationally and internationally for sustainable energy solutions with the involvement of local populations and civil society organisations (CSOs). SE are supporting other civil-society organisations and involving people as agents of change that will foster awareness, ownership, and sustainability. SustainableEnergy’s approach and principles build upon the belief that the energy and environmental situations of the poor communities can only be improved and sustained if they, too, are actively involved.  SE has profound knowledge and experience with: End-user involvement and engagement through hands-on actions focused on adapting and investing in new energy efficiency solutions. Relevant expertice with 50+ segment - recently conducted interviews with 500 50+ citizens with following 50 home visit actions at within the 50+ segment Developing and supporting consumer/prosumer networks for growing use of renewable energy sources - local community energy supply systems. Campaigns and information actions to envolve different target groups or to motivate behavioural changes. Advice on technical aspects of energy saving, resource management, and renewable energy sources.   Local community projects regarding energy saving and sustainable consumption. 
Project Budget
Duration of Project
Partners Involved
European Commission Contribution
Between EUR 1 and 2 million.