WindNODE - German Energiewende pilot project is looking for EU partners

Proposal Information
Dear Sir or Madam,   the project WindNODE has just started. It will be showcasing smart energy systems from northeastern Germany and it is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy for the upcoming four years.   WindNODE concentrates on the German „Energiewende“ and the whole energy transition process with a special emphasis on digitization. WindNODE is part of the SINTEG pogramme that covers 5 model regions for smart energy systems throughout Germany. The project consortia consist of more than 40 partners from companies to research institutions. The main challenge is to cope with intermittence and integrating large Renewable Energy Sources shares into the energy system.   WindNODE targets: “Field test“ and showcase for a complete energy system (region of TSO 50Hertz Transmission) Markets for flexible loads – and redifining the “rules of the game“ (regulation) Innovations for the mass market and contribution to new business models User focus – close feedback loops with politics and customers ICT standards made in Germany for the smart energy system    We would be interested in linking up with comparable regions, clusters, networks or projects that deal with similar challenges and targets for the process of energy tranisition.   Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.
Duration of Project
Partners Involved
A consortium of 40 German partners from industry and academia