
Introduction to the project

Living-in.EU aims at promoting sustainable digital transformation in cities, regions and communities in the EU. Stakeholders from all levels of government commit to the goals and principles of the movement by signing the Declaration on joining forces to boost sustainable digital transformation in cities, regions and communities. To help realise the political commitment of its signatories, the Go Li.EU project is providing this community with a governance structure. It supports them to re-use and deploy existing proven digital solutions by working on shared standards and interoperability, capacity-building, legal frameworks, financial instruments, joint investment plans and monitoring mechanisms to measure digital maturity and progress.


Project in Action

For Go Li.EU to support cities and communities to unlock their full potential and to play an enabling role in digital transformation, the consortium needs to tackle the following challenges:

- Increasing the uptake of cross-domain interoperable digital solutions (Local Digital Twins, Data spaces, Data Platforms, etc.)

- Sharing expertise and experience through a dedicated capacity-building programme and mutual learning

- Supporting the growth of the community of signatories, supporters and partnerships

- Monitoring the progress of European cities and communities on green and digital challenges

Living in EU

ERRIN's Role

ERRIN is responsible for measuring the impact of the project and the Living-in.EU initiative at local, regional and European levels. This will be done through the development of a common set of KPIs, the use of existing tools developed in the field of digital transformation and the creation of a common monitoring system.

Through this role, ERRIN is charge, in collaboration with the Committee of the Regions, of one specific working group – the Monitoring and Measuring WG.

Moreover, ERRIN will participate in creating synergies between the various initiatives, projects and stakeholders at local, regional, national and European levels in the field of digitalisation.

Benefit for members and Links with ERRIN WGs and priorities

ERRIN members will have an opportunity to showcase their initiatives related to digital transformation. Interested regions are also able to join the Living-in.eu movement, benefit from capacity building programmes and the development of technical solutions, as well as contribute to shaping the movement through involvement in existing subgroups. 

The project will create links with ERRIN's Working Groups, with particular emphasis on the cross-cutting ICT Working Group, offering various engagement possibilities. 



Latest Updates

  • By Rodolphe Doité

Reflecting on the 2024 Living-in.EU Digital Assembly

After the 2024 Living-in.EU Digital Assembly and the networking reception 'Connect people for the Twin transition', a look back from ERRIN on this key milestone in our digital work.

  • By Rodolphe Doité

Cascade funding available to deploy data spaces for cities and communities

The EU-funded project Data Spaces for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities opened a call in June 2024 to select pilot projects for the deployment of Data Spaces.

  • By Rodolphe Doité

Submit your Expression of Interest for the Online Procurement Helpdesk for Smart Communities

Through the Digital Europe Programme, the Support services for EU Smart Communities will provide support to help cities/communities develop their digitalisation strategy and roadmap, including an identification of the required digital tools and provide access to digital expertise available in the EU.

  • By Rodolphe Doité

ERRIN at the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities & 30th anniversary of CoR

On 18-19 March, the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities took place in Mons, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR). ERRIN joined the summit for debates on the future of cohesion policy and promotion of the Living-in.EU movement, all while recognising the long-standing dialogue with CoR.

  • By Rodolphe Doité

Call for Smart Community Experts

If you are working on sustainable digitalisation of local and regional authorities in your country, you can apply to a dedicated call for experts in the field of Smart Community, linking to the Living-in.EU movement.

  • By Rodolphe Doité

Release of LORDIMAS, a digital maturity assessment tool for Regions and Cities

During the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023, a dedicated session was organised to launch LORDIMAS, a digital maturity assessment helping local and regional governments to understand where they are in their digital transformation journey. The tool is now accessible online.