Introduction to the Project

WE4AHA is a Coordination and Support Action that provides support to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA).

Digital innovation has the potential to ensure that members of the ageing population remain independent, active and live longer in their homes and communities, at the same time as the efficiency of health and social care systems is increased and new sectors of the economy are enhanced. Innovative digital health solutions can support healthier lifestyles and empower citizens to manage their own health conditions, while still meeting the expectations of patients and carers.

Project Objectives

1. To provide centralised, integrated and continued support to administration, external communication and coordination of the stakeholder groups and partners engaged in the development and implementation of the three addressed horizontal activities: I2M, Blueprint and MAFEIP.

2. To promote an effective and increased large-scale uptake of digital solutions for Active and Healthy Ageing.

3. To foster the policy vision, the unexploited potential and the increasing market opportunities of digital innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing, through the identification of synergies with AHA related European initiatives such as the Active Assisted Living (AAL) Programme and the Joint Programming Initiative on More Years, Better Lives (JPI MYBL).

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ERRIN's Role

ERRIN led the stakeholder engagement work package. Within this strand of activities, ERRIN carried out various actions:

  1. A large-scale survey on the level of engagement within the Action Groups and the Reference Sites.
  2. Based on the results of the survey and an interactive validation workshop with representatives from Action Groups and Reference Sites, a Stakeholder Engagement Action Plan was drafted in 2018 which was a guiding document for all activities conducted for the benefit of the EIPonAHA community. This Plan was updated and enlarged with actions around the Blueprint, I2M and MAFEIP in 2019 and in 2020.

ERRIN was in charge of building and sustaining strategic partnerships with the AAL Programme and JPI MYBL. As a result of this partnership, several concrete concerted actions were carried out, such as creating a common vision for ageing post-2020, providing input to the ‘transformation of health and care systems’ Horizon Europe co-funded partnership where these initiatives are recognised as cornerstones with their skills and experiences. The three initiatives organised the first edition of the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing and by this, they initiated a reference platform where policy-makers and professionals can get together and discuss about demographic change and ageing.

  • Anett Ruszanov
  • Projects Manager

Benefit & Links

ERRIN's Health WG regularly discuss ageing and digital health. WE4AHA is a major source of information and knowledge to these meetings and discussions. 

While ERRIN members are not directly involved in the project, they benefit from WE4AHA's services because a large number of ERRIN members are awarded Reference Sites and are active Action Group contributors.

Project in Action

Watch now

Watch the opening session of the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2020, made possible by the collaboration between WE4AHA, JPI MYBL and AAL. 

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  • By Anonymous

Digital health for all

Today, digital technologies are a reality in current societies. They offer great opportunities in the field of healthcare, enabling innovation in independent living, patient empowerment as well as in integrated healthcare. Moreover, these transformations not only will benefit people but also the sustainability of healthcare systems.