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  • By Anonymous

SME/Company working in the field of BioChemTech, Healthcare, NanoMaterials

The consortium aims to develop a multifunctional antibacterial wound dressing that will be relevant for tissue regeneration of diabetic foot ulcers. Our objective is the four-fold integration in a single wound dressing of potent antibacterial, wound exudate and malodour secretions absorbing and regenerative actions.

  • By Benjamín Martínez Sanchis

Partner search: -ITN- VIsual directional SUpport in massive opticAL Wireless communications for Internet-of-Things

We find nowadays a strenuous effort to exploit the higher frequency spectrum, specially in the context of mmWave communications, with the aim to overcome the problems of spectrum scarcity.

  • By irene palomino antolin

H2020 Proposal for Smart Windows Developpers and/or Adhesive Industry

The project will develop a proof of concept, to show the technical and financial viability of a plug&play system composed of components and intelligent modules for interior renovation, which currently does not exist in the market.  This system will consist of panels with highly insulating and lightweight materials, such as aerogel, heating and cooling elements, ventilation, as well as intelligent windows, and possibly energy production.

  • By Anonymous

Partner search in the field of development of innovative and eco-sustainable seats

Most of car seats have a steel structure and a polyurethane foam upholstery covered in fabric or sky. For the promiscuity of use, these features do not fit with a comfortable seating neither in work experience nor in leisure activities.

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

Search of H2020 proposal in progress for next EO2019 calls

Thales Alenia Space and other SAFE members are looking for partners within the framework of the Earth Observation 2019 call.

  • By Lorna Murphy

Bridging Borders: Collaborative Solutions for European District Heating

Join Scotland Europa and the EHPA (European Heat Pump Association) for an exciting event dedicated to fostering collaboration and innovation in the district heating sector! This in-person gathering will be held in Brussels on Thursday 6 June, 18:00-21:00 CEST.