Latest Updates

  • By Lucy Hammond

Erasmus+ exchange hosted by the Danish regional EU offices

On 8 November, the four Danish regional EU offices (South Denmark European Office, North Denmark EU Office, Central Denmark EU Office, Greater Copenhagen EU Office) are hosting an event highlighting products and good practices from Erasmus+ projects. It will take place at Avenue Palmerston 18 from 09:00-17:00.

  • By Caroline Sundberg

Perspectives on the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Three years ago, in September 2020, the European Commission presented the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, a set of regulations that aim to create a fairer, more efficient, and more sustainable migration and asylum process for the European Union. The Symposium convenes academics, experts, policymakers and civil society to discuss the implications on 7 November from 13:00-16:00.

  • By Miia Paananen

Immune systems in flames - what could EU research do?

Welcome to a roundtable event on “Inflammation in Health and Disease” organised by InFlames Flagship and MEP Ville Niinistö. The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss between representatives of the European Institutions, researchers and stakeholders on inflammation and the lack of EU’s contributions to inflammation research, innovation and policies.

  • By Astrid Hannes

Moving on: towards a circular and sustainable European society

The MISTRA REES research program is organising a 2-day in-person workshop on 12 and 13 October about the circular transition from an industry perspective in Brussels. Several experts, both from industry as well as from academia, will discuss developments in policies, standards and business models.

  • By Rebecca Timm

EWRC 2023 workshop - Rethinking the post-industrial transition in cities and regions

Are you interested to know more about how local and regional authorities can play a vital role in the post-industrial transition? Join us – the Capital Cities and Regions Network (CCRN) – during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023 on Wednesday 11th of October!

  • By Chiara Rossetto

SynEnergy: Regions enabling the European Green Industrial Transformation

As part of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the event 'SynEnergy: Regions enabling the European Green Industrial Transformation' will be held on 11 October from 11:30 to 12:30. The workshop highlights the role of Regions in deploying hydrogen and solar projects and initiatives. Industrial conversion is a crucial driver for sustainable growth to more competitive and resource-efficient energy ecosystems for local industries facing transformational change.