CBE JU Call for proposals - Online project facilitation workshop
One of ERRIN’s missions is to increase project opportunities for members by providing possibilities for networking to share project ideas, best practices and personal contacts. The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU - previously the BBI JU) has recently published their call for project proposals for 2022. As many of the topics in the new CBE call for proposals are in line with the interests of the Bioeconomy Working Group, the WG will organise a project facilitation workshop around the calls on 21 June between 10:00-12:15 CEST.
The workshop will start with a presentation of the new CBE Partnership and the call for proposals by the CBE Secretariat. This will be followed by a breakout session, where participants can participate in discussions around pre-selected project ideas around the new calls.
This workshop is primarily aimed at experts in the field and is open to both ERRIN members and external partners. We expect all participants to be prepared and to have the expertise to discuss the calls and the project ideas.