Flyer with information about the final conference

Final Conference for the H2020-project Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods in Europe

The final conference of the syn.ikia project will take place on 24 March 2025. This landmark event celebrates over five years of groundbreaking work to advance Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods (SPENs) across Europe. 

Since its launch in January 2020, syn.ikia has united 13 partners from seven European countries to deliver innovative solutions for sustainable living. Together, they aim to increase the share of plus energy buildings in Europe by providing a blueprint for creating Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods.

As part of this initiative, they have piloted four real-life neighbourhoods, demonstrating innovative solutions and their viability and adaptability to diverse contexts and markets across the continent. 

The conference, themed ‘SUSTAINABLE PLUS ENERGY NEIGHBOURHOODS – THE WAY FORWARD’, will feature keynotes from academia and industry leaders, live demonstrations of SPEN technologies and outcomes and dynamic panel discussions exploring policy, finance and the future of sustainable neighbourhoods. 

This is an opportunity to learn from real-world validated cases, engage with leading experts, and contribute to the conversation on enabling and scaling SPENs across Europe. 


 [Register Here] 


The full programme is also available here.


Project partners:


Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU)

The Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Housing Europe

Fundacio Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC)


Insitut Catala del SOL (Incasol)




Heimat Osterreich

Arca Nova