MICADO - Digital Solution for Migration Challenges
Co-organised by the Hanse-Office, the final conference of the Horizon 2020 project MICADO - Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards will take place in person on 2 June in Brussels under the title "MICADO - Digital Solution for Migration Challenges".
The event will aim to answer the question of how digital products can support the arrival processes of migrants and refugees as well as simplify the work processes of public authorities.
In this context, the Digital City Science from HafenCity University (HCU) Hamburg will showcase the results of the MICADO project, which was successfully piloted in Hamburg, Antwerp, Bologna and Madrid in 2021. After the platform's live demonstration, a roundtable with representatives of the European Commission, European cities and civil society organisations will outline the requirements for the successful local uptake of digital solutions developed in EU-funded projects.
You may find the official invitation and the agenda attached.