RECIPROCITY Workshop: Hydrogen in Mobility

The RECIPROCITY project, in which ERRIN is a partner, is organising a webinar on the hydrogen role in the mobility sector.

Hydrogen is becoming more and more important when tackling climate change. But why is hydrogen in mobility so important? What infrastructure is needed? How can hydrogen solutions work in public transportation and logistics? What are the challenges faced when implementing such a solution and how to overcome them?

ERRIN members - regions and their regional R&I stakeholders - will find this event relevant as it explores how hydrogen plays an important role in reducing emissions from mobility and fighting climate change at the local and regional levels.

By discussing topics such as the necessary infrastructure, implementation challenges, and solutions for public transportation and logistics, this workshop contributes to the RECIPROCITY Policy paper on hydrogen applications in the mobility sector

Register for the event here!



14:00 Introduction

Information about RECIPROCITY | Doris Straub, Business Upper Austria

14:10 Hydrogen in Mobility

  • Importance of Hydrogen in Mobility | Manuela Prieler, WIVA P&G
  • Hydrogen Infrastructure | Graeme Brown, Aberdeen City Council
  • Hydrogen Busses | Benedict Utech, Wiener Linien & Richter Michael, HyCentA
  • Hydrogen Trucks | Wolfgang Madl, MPreis
  • Discussion

15:55 Next steps

Next steps | Doris Straub, Business Upper Austria

RECIPROCITY project aims at transforming European cities into climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility through an innovative four-stage replication approach.

Mobility is changing. Urbanisation, climate change and digitalisation challenge how people and goods move from point A to point B. To cope with these ever-increasing challenges and meet European and global climate targets, urban and peri-urban areas need to become climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility.

RECIPROCITY has at least 20 cities across Europe, of varying size and mobility demand, with the necessary tools, knowledge, contacts and methods to accelerate the replication of existing innovative mobility solutions.

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