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The role of UAS in sparsely populated areas & regional innovation ecosystems

Universities of applied sciences play a pivotal role in regional innovation ecosystems. Working on applied research, UAS connect SMEs and societal partners with innovations in a wide range of societal challenges. This position is crucial, especially in sparsely populated areas, as a recent report from the JRC confirms through a study in the Northern Netherlands.

During this second UASNL lunch session we explore this topic, best practices and how it relates to European funding opportunities.

This session welcomes contributions from the following speakers:

Eskarne Arregui-Pabollet, JRC, European Commission

Eric Koch, EISMEA, European Commission

Jeroen Rijnhart, Center of Expertise Watertechnology (NL)

Vincent Pijnenburg, Cross-border Business Development, Fontys UAS (NL)

- Anne-Christine Habbel & Désirée Neeb, Hof UAS (DE)

Markus Neufeld, Coburg UAS (DE)

Please register for the session here