Smart collaboration in a transnational context

Smart collaboration in a transnational context

An international conference on Transnational Smart Specialisation for EU macro-regions will take place online on 28 October as part of theĀ GoSmart&Excel BSR project. The event will concentrate on the role of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) and how they can play a role in innovation development in a transnational context. How can we in the EU strengthen our strengths, complement each other's weaknesses, and set joint priorities with S3 as a platform?

Experts in smart specialisation will be sharing knowledge and experience on how different countries and projects work with smart specialisation in and between their regions. A concept for business advisors supporting SMEs, the Transnational Innovation Brokerage System (TIBS), will also be presented.

The event is aimed at those who are interested in the field of smart specialization, cross-border collaboration and innovation development.

You may find the conference agenda attached. More information and registration is available here.

The GoSmart&Excel BSR project (Strengthening smart specialisation by fostering transnational cooperation and practical application of novel solutions for regions and SMEs) is implemented with the support from the European Regional Development Fund within Interreg BSR Programme 2014-2020. From April 2021 to December 2021 project gathers 10 partners from 8 countries, and it aims to foster effective cooperation in transnational approach between the industry, R&D sector and public authorities.