Flatåshallen sports facility in Trondheim, Norway, with artificial turf free of rubber-infill..

Transforming artificial sports pitches towards zero pollution

The City of Hamburg, Viken County in Norway, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) invite you to join the conversation to learn about, and discuss, the state-of-the-art in developing sustainable and circular synthetic turfs!

Synthetic turfs exist all over Europe. We are talking about 112 million square meters, a whopping 93 000 artificial turfs. Synthetic turf is the largest, single source of microplastic pollution in Europe. It is also a source for hazardous chemicals ending up in soil and water. The sports sector, local communities, and the main user group of synthetic turfs - children and youth - need new, sustainable solutions that aren't harmful to their health or to the environment. 

Register here

A link will be sent to registered participants within a day before the digital event.

Please direct any questions to: ingvild@osloregion.org


10:00 Introduction by moderator Dr. Madeleine Berg, Project Manager at Fidra

Opening speech by Tonje Kristensen, Vice Mayor for Culture and Diversity, Viken County Council

The EU's proposition for a restriction on microplastics, Elise Vitali,

Chemicals Project Officer at the European Environmental Bureau

Research on circular artificial turf systems, NTNU SIAT, Centre for sport facilities and technology

Experience with sustainable artificial turfs from a policy perspective, City of Hamburg

Experiences from the field, the point of view of sports associations

Sustainable solutions for artificial turf, Paul Fraser, Marketing Director at FieldTurf

Closing words

Q&A, discussion

11:20 End of programme