

  • By Teresa Vio

ERRIN is looking for a Communications and Policy Manager

ERRIN is looking for a Communications and Policy Manager to join its Secretariat! The successful candidate will take a leading role in the further development and implementation of ERRIN's communication strategy, lead efforts to increase ERRIN's visibility and oversee the ERRIN website's functioning and high-quality content creation. The deadline to apply is 16 September.

  • By Teresa Vio

ERRIN is looking for two Project and Policy Managers (Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change)

ERRIN is looking for two Project and Policy Managers to join its Secretariat! The successful candidates will work on a range of projects and policy activities related to mitigation and adaptation to climate change and support ERRIN's work on influencing the EU Missions' implementation and further design. The deadline to apply is 25 September.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN website updates for membership, networking & engagement

Following the summer break, the ERRIN Secretariat is pleased to announce a few updates on the network website that should further facilitate membership, networking within the community, understanding network services and engaging your colleagues and stakeholders in ERRIN, including re-opening of the ERRIN member directory, revised membership pages, and new leaflets.

  • By Lucy Hammond

ERRIN's updated Working Group and Task Force Annual Plans launched

ERRIN's updated Working Group and Task Force Annual Plans are now available. The Annual Plans outline the upcoming activities and priorities for each Working Group and Task Force for the remainder of 2024.

  • By Lucy Hammond

ERRIN Paper Series: Towards the 10th Framework Programme - EU Missions

ERRIN is pleased to launch a series of input papers on the 10th Framework Programme, with this paper focusing on EU Missions. ERRIN has been closely involved in the design and implementation of the EU Missions since their inception, making them a priority for the network. This input paper on the role of EU Missions in FP10 has been created with contributions from ERRIN members and their ecosystems.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

New EU Preparatory Action on innovation for place-based transformations

A new EU Preparatory Action (PA) on innovation for place-based transformations was publicly announced for the first time by the JRC of the European Commission during the ERRIN S3 Working Group meeting on 25 June. The challenge-oriented PA will offer several opportunities for regional engagement and will be based on the experience of Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI), with a call for EoI expected to launch in October 2024.