The Brussels Office of ADR Nord-Est (North-East Regional Development Agency, Romania) represents the North-East Region of Romania in the EU. 

We work with counties, municipalities, universities, businesses, learning facilities, and other organizations. 


The Brussels Office was founded in 2010 and aimed to ensure North-East Romania a strong voice in the EU and to endorse that our region is a proactive player that benefits from all the opportunities and that promotes itself as a European region open to the world. 




Our team is very vibrant and diverse in background and expertise. 




The North East (Nord-Est) is a development region in Romania that comprises the following counties: Botosani, Iasi, Vaslui, Bacau, Neamt, and Suceava. 


The area of our region is 36,850 km2, slightly bigger than Belgium, and the population is roughly 3.3 million.


In the past 10 years, in our region, the GDP per capita, the quality of infrastructure, and the economic complexity have all increased consistently, following the national trend.    


In 2019, Romania made it to the high-income group of countries, from a formerly an upper-middle-income, according to the World Bank


According to the ATLAS of Economic Complexity, powered by Harvard’s Growth Lab, Romania ranks as the 25th most complex economy in the World, improving 5 positions in the ECI ranking between 2008 - 2018. Iasi, the main city of North East, was ranked the 2nd in TOP 10 Tech Cities of the Future 2020/21 – Cost-Effectiveness.


Contact detail

  • Contact person

    Dorin Minea

  • Brussels Office Address

    Avenue Louise 54
    1050 Brussels

  • Regional Address

    Str. Lt. Draghescu, nr. 9
    610125 Piatra Neamt


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  • By Gianpiero Petruzziello

Be.CULTOUR Project wraps up a successful journey on circular cultural tourism

In a dynamic two-day event held on 5 – 6 May in Naples, Be.CULTOUR, project in which ERRIN is a partner, successfully hosted its final event 'Beyond Cultural Tourism: Beautiful, Circular, Human'. The results of the project, the tools developed, and the materials and guides produced to inspire and accompany any other regions interested in boosting their sustainability and entrepreneurship of local cultural tourism are available on the Be.CULTOUR website.

  • By Francesca Pozzebon

Join the second European Heritage Youth Residency in Romania | Apply by 22 April 2024

Europa Nostra, the largest European network of heritage organisations, Tășuleasa Social and Asociația Monumentum, both winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, will organise the second edition of the European Heritage Youth Residencies from 27 June until 3 July 2024 in Romania.

  • By Francesca Pozzebon

EU Research Champions Sustainable Cultural Tourism

As one of the eight Horizon 2020 research projects included in the latest CORDIS Results Pack, ERRIN's Be.CULTOUR project features as a good practice to promote sustainable cultural tourism. The results showcase how working with local communities and cultural heritage leads to better conservation practices and authentic visitor experiences while boosting local economies. CORDIS, the EU's research results platform, disseminates findings from EU-funded research to drive innovation across multiple sectors.

  • By Francesca Pozzebon

Join the ERRIN Cultural Heritage and Tourism WG: Call for a new leader

The Cultural Heritage and Tourism Working Group is looking for a new working group leader with an EU Tourism policy focus to join the Working Group leadership.

  • By Ewa Chomicz

ERRIN welcomes new network Chairs

The ERRIN Management Board has appointed three co-chairs to the network. The three postholders will work together as a troika to guide the network in a collaborative manner in the period of 2024-2025.

  • By Lucy Hammond

Botoșani County Council, Romania is seeking partners for Creative Europe Programme

The Botoșani County Council is seeking to join a consortium for a project under the European cooperation projects call, culture strand, Creative Europe program. The Botoșani County Council is open to joining an already established consortium or contributing to the formation of a new one, as well as to the development of a new project idea.