Region Västra Götaland

Region Västra Götaland, home to 49 municipalities and 1.7 million inhabitants, is responsible for medical care, public transport, and regional development, in addition to providing access to culture, and fostering growth and sustainable development. We work to increase our regional attractiveness and competitiveness by collaborating on many levels with our 49 municipalities, academia, the private sector, and other public and international organisations.

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Region Västra Götaland

S3 Strategy

Västra Götaland is a European innovation leader, with a long tradition of being a forerunner in technical development and a strong industrial base. The region is home to several large industries such as Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, SKF and Astra Zeneca, and provide a well-established infrastructure for innovation with its five universities, six science parks, eight incubators and one third of all Swedish test beds. As much as 25 percent of Sweden’s R&I investments are invested in Västra Götaland and we are an active partner in the EU with a track record of many successful R&I projects. Region Västra Götaland’s programme Strengthening the innovation potential 2022-2025 is also the regional strategy for smart specialisation (S3). The strategy points out five focus areas: 1) Sustainable Industry, 2) Health and Life Science, 3) Food, Bio-based Materials and Renewable Energy, 4) Sustainable Mobility and Transport, 5) Tourism and Culture and Creative Industries.

Latest Updates

  • By Alexandra Schafhauser

AI and the role of the Public Sector - examples of AI in practice from West Sweden

Region Västra Götaland, in collaboration with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Business Region Göteborg, is organising a workshop on AI and the role of the Public Sector, taking place on 24 April between 14:00 and 16:00.

  • By Gianpiero Petruzziello

Be.CULTOUR project: 19 innovations on Circular Cultural Tourism

In the context of the Be.CULTOUR project, 19 teams of innovators will join the Be.CULTOUR Hackathon, to develop their innovative ideas on circular cultural tourism into innovative desirable, and feasible projects. Visit the project website and vote for your favourite one!

  • By Lina Forsman

Breakfast Webinar: How can cities and regions support a more circular building sector?

Gothenburg European Office, Småland Blekinge Halland South Sweden and Lille Métropole is hosting a breakfast webinar that asks 'how can cities and regions support a more circular building sector?'

  • By Lina Forsman

EU Policy and Urban Water Management - Challenges of Implementation

Ensuring a steady supply of clean water in cities is not simple; pollution, population growth and flooding pose real challenges. Our workshop explores challenges faced by municipal water companies in implementing the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD). By focusing on 1) water quality objectives, 2) rising sea-levels and cloudbursts, and 3) circularity and reuse of water, we consider how revising the UWWTD can help meet the zero-pollution ambition and increase coherence of EU water policy.

  • By Hilary Webb

Role of maritime clusters in the green recovery: Blue Growth WG workshop at EMD 2021

ERRIN's Blue Growth Working Group will lead a stakeholder workshop during the 2021 edition of European Maritime Day. The workshop will address the role of maritime clusters in the green recovery.