WHEB represents all of the Welsh Universities and aims to promote the high standard of higher education and research that exists in Wales as well as to create links with other stakeholders and institutions. Having an office in Brussels allows Welsh universities access to the day-to-day business of policy-making in Brussels as well as to a network of potential partners and funding opportunities. With the best interests of higher education and research in Wales at heart, WHEB strives to ensure that Welsh Universities are suitably represented in the European Union.

Latest Updates

  • By Catherine Marston

EWRC 2021: Spatial Justice in Post-Pandemic Europe

This interactive session draws on the IMAJINE Horizon 2020 project to present four scenarios for Europe in 2050.

  • By Catherine Marston

Pro-Enrich project Final Event - From residue to revenue - scaling up bio-solutions

The Pro-Enrich BBI-JU project is holding its final event on 14 October, which will focus on the upscaling of biorefinery solutions including both financial and technological challenges. 

  • By Eleanor Vaughan

Vanguard Initiative Regional Conference: Connecting Innovation Strengths Across Regions

Register today for the Vanguard Initiative Regional Conference, hosted by Wales and Randstad regions.

  • By Catherine Marston

Africa-EU-UK research collaborations: emerging opportunities and prior learning for water and resilience research

Cardiff University is hosting a virtual event focusing on research collaborations involving the African Union, the EU and the UK in the area of water and resilience research.

  • By Catherine Marston

Plastic pollution: Are biodegradable plastics a solution?

Academia Europaea, hosted by Cardiff University, is holding a webinar on plastic pollution. This webinar will review the latest scientific evidence on the biodegradability of plastics from SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academics) and discuss the policy recommendations made by the European Commission's independent group of Chief Scientific Advisors.

  • By Catherine Marston

Dance Digital - Baden-Wurttemberg and South Wales connect

DANCE DIGITAL is the kick-off event of a new partnership between Clwstwr, a programme to stimulate R&D and innovation in the South Wales media sector, and MFG Baden-Wurttemberg, an institution to promote film culture, the film industry and cultural and creative industries in the South West of Germany.